Krauser daygame mastery review
Krauser daygame mastery review

The essence of the antithesis is simple: first you mention one thing: then you mention another. Lets give an example, with Chapter 3’s antithesis. That is the one and only difference between the poet and everybody else. A poet is someone who expresses his thoughts, however commonplace they may be, exquisitely. That is the menial duty of a philosopher. I’m not looking to become a bloody poet.Ī poet is not someone who has great thoughts.

krauser daygame mastery review

So, Mark, I don’t suppose you could pick the best of these figures and then patiently guide me through each one so I can begin improving my own prose? What, you already did that, with 39 of them? Smashing! Good lad! But I’m worried that focusing so much on style may hinder the dialectical value of my work. So Shakespeare learnt and learnt and got better and better, and his lines become more and more striking and more and more memorable.Īh, I see. So the classical works on rhetoric were dug out, translated and adapted for use in English…. As Shakespeare set to work England was busy having the Renaissance. These formulas were thought up by the Ancient Greeks and then added to by the Romans. They are the formulas for producing great lines. Not by saying something different, but by saying something in a different way. The techniques for making a single phrase striking and memorable just by altering the wording. It has 39 chapters and each introduces a figure of rhetoric.


Imagine the way Daygame Mastery and Daygame Infinite explain the theory, give practical examples, and then explain how to create your own versions – that’s exactly what this book does with the writer’s art. Until now, I didn’t even realise there were guidebooks for this kind of thing. It’s a very specific actionable toolkit on how to improve the literary quality of your prose. But of every source I tried, The Elements Of Eloquence is by far the most useful. I tried the various Masterclass seminar products such as those of Aaron Sorkin, David Mamet, Malcolm Gladwell, and James Patterson. I know, it looks like “… teaches pedophilia” By writing a short essay on each I converted the reading process into active learning both in absorbing lessons from the books but also in teaching myself how to find themes and write about them in short order. So, I dipped into books from all genres, eras, and topics to expose myself to many styles. My 2018 book review project was borne partly out of a desire to improve my writing because, it seems, all the good writers recommend reading a lot. It’s only through doing that you improve.

krauser daygame mastery review

This blog is the obvious outlet of such energies but it’s not like I listened to any of those sober heads who warned, “woah Nick! you might want to slow down in churning out them there memoirs.” Stephen King in his book On Writing advises very strongly to write every single day whether you feel like it or not. The first thing is action – learning through practice – so I’ve been writing an awful lot. I’ve been trying my bestest to become a good writer and thus have approached it with the same mindset I did with Game. You see, this is the Daygame Mastery of prose writing. Nor did I but having read Mark Forsyth’s The Elements Of Eloquence I do now and what is more, I’m very glad I do. do you know what an epanalepsis is? Or a prolepsis ? Or a scesis onomaton? And I’ll bet you my hyperbole has kept made your heart beat a millions times a minute.

krauser daygame mastery review

Perhaps you recognise the sweet scent of synaesthesia in my words. It’s my bet that most of you young yobbos know what alliteration is.

Krauser daygame mastery review